Fait-on réellement du sport lorsque l’on pratique le VAE ?

Do we really do sport when we practice the VAE?

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We have all heard these remarks: "the electric bike is not sport", "the electric bike is for lazy people", "the electric bike is for those who do not want to get tired"... Since its creation, debates on the benefits of the VAE have multiplied. We will try, in this article, to clarify the enigma around the effects of the VAE on the body.

What scientists say

A first study conducted by the University of Miami consisting of monitoring the vital signs of several cyclists with two different types of bicycles (a traditional bicycle and an electric bicycle) over 5 km, showed the following results:

comparison table effort provided classic bike and e-bike

5 km trip (865 seconds for the classic bike and 748 seconds for the VAE)

We can therefore see that the traditional bicycle makes you spend more energy, but the VAE has its advantages: it allows you to provide a less abrupt effort and therefore generates less tension for the muscles.

If you have already practiced the VAE you also know that the use is much more pleasant and gives the impression of providing less effort.

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Research by Professor Bente Stallknecht of the University of Copenhagen proves that regular cycling, even electric, contributes to lasting and significant fat loss. Pedaling on a VAE involves calorie expenditure but does not require more food intake due to the effort provided, which is less compared to a conventional bicycle.

The VAE would reduce the risk of premature death by 41%

A study from the University of Glasgow has shown that cycling to work reduces the risk of dying prematurely by 41%. The World Health Organization recommends at least two and a half hours of physical activity per week.

But riding a bike does not only increase physical abilities. The VAE also heals the mind by participating in a general well-being. This is what emerges from the study Bike, car or public transport: a study of stress and mood on arrival at work ” carried out by Concordia University, Canada. Finally, pedaling boosts memory, stimulates neurons and improves cognitive abilities.

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Proven health effects

Many people consider the classic bike to be more sporty than the electric bike. Yet the vast majority of them have never tried the VAE!

The VAE is the victim of received ideas : the assistance does all the work, the VAE are heavy, not practical to transport...

On the other hand, on the side of cyclists accustomed to electric, many declare that its practice is good for the body and the spirit.

In general, cycling is good for your health. 16% of French people have been cycling more often since deconfinement (this phenomenon is linked to the reasons we all know: fear of public transport, a need to recharge...).

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The advantage of the VAE is that it is accessible to all. It allows its users to provide a smoother effort. Whether seniors or the average athlete or in recovery, everyone finds their account. The assistance is there to reassure its user in the event of a steep slope and also present to relieve the effort.

The VAE also has other indirect but equally important impacts. It is, for example, a means of combating a sedentary lifestyle. The engine and the electric assistance come in reinforcement if necessary. The pleasure of the sport is then preserved. This paves the way for new challenges, users can now keep pace on group rides. The VAE becomes a vector of socialization.

The electric bike in competition

The electric bike is becoming more democratic even in competition. There are several championships including the French VTTAE championship organized by the French Motorcycling Federation or the Coupe de France VTTAE enduro. Electric mountain biking in competition is booming. It is structured and attracts more and more the public.

The evolution of the material allows today to engage in an intense practice of the activity. The VTTAE becomes a sport apart, with its competition circuit, its champions and even a French team of VTTAE!

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In a sporting logic, the VTTAE can represent an intense or even very intense effort. This is the case in mountain biking in competition, which is now an official discipline of cycling!


Yes, the VAE is good for your health! Scientific studies confirm that its practice constitutes a physical activity. It allows you to play sports by adapting the effort provided according to your physical condition.

People who are not used to physical activity, elderly or overweight people have the possibility, with the EAB, to exercise without straining.

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